Tutorial with Lucy today. She mentioned that the work is not direct to present it idea. I think for a while after tutorial but still not completely understand. Is this becasue I interpret in too complicate? But what is the real things I want to say from this work. Like she say, is this the tree? It can be anything. In fact, I do agree it later on. The intension I making the sculpture is I think it is tree. However, as I working on and repeted again and again. I fee it just a scultpure, it just a creature. It not necesary look like a tree. I should move on to the point of sculpture, and restated what I am thinking about.
Is it not about the time, but it is about the everyday life. The repretition present in the repetition of its form in differnt kind. The fact of the object should be stand up, but it just can not do it. It laying down or need a hand to brings it up. It is a creature in the every day. It is like the burden of the iron. It is the iron that consturct our buidling. It is the base. When things falling down, it is the truth of your life.